The word “cure” comes from the Latin root meaning “…to take care of…”. And that pretty much sums up what we do at Poaka to bring you the best cured, fermented, and matured free range charcuterie pork products. Our heritage breed Berkshire’s and Wessex saddleback pigs deliver a whole new taste experience. Slow grown on open pasture, Poaka cured, fermented and matured pork delivers that “melt in your mouth” texture that you traditionally find in the best artisan salumi and charcuterie in Spain, Italy, and France. There it’s a culinary art form. Poaka is raising the “boar(d)” in New Zealand, and your taste buds will testify how ham-tastic our product really is!

Poaka’s vision is to deliver something to our customers that until now was only available by purchasing ultra-premium imported products. We now provide a local, sustainable and ethical choice.  There is a whole world of cured and fermented meat deliciousness  waiting to be savoured. But to deliver the level of respect required to produce “the real thing”, you need to choose the right genetics, the right outdoor husbandry system, and have access to the right tree crops. In Spain they finish their finest in the “dehesa”. Our heritage breeds, pasture finishing and on farm processings help us bring the best tongue coating Salami’s, charcuterie, Coppa, Lomo, Culatello, dry cured bacon and sausages, cared for the real way, to Godzone. 

Poaka free range coppa
Poaka free range coppa
Free range sliced salami