Heritage breed pork Free Range and Wild Farmed

Poaka is a true "Paddock to Plate" producer. We produce a range of fresh sausages, dry cured bacon, whole pork cuts and a range of other free range pork products. We use only the finest free range, wild farmed pork, which we farm, in Canterbury, New Zealand. Poaka uses traditional methods, quality ingredients with time and care resulting in intense and succulent flavours.

Answers to your questions about Poaka Wild farmed, free range farm and products

Frequently Asked Questions

What is wild farmed pork?

Wild farmed pork must meet the following farming conditions to be classed as wild farmed pork:

  • 20 or less pigs per hectare (1ha = 10,000 m2)
  • Spend their whole life in paddock, free to roam, free range as they choose.
  • Access to a variety of different natural pastures and forage, year round.
  • Feed a supplementary natural diet, with no growth additives, hormones, antibiotics or other medicated inputs.
  • Processed on farm to minimize transport and slaughter stress, associated with the mainstream production system.

If all those requirements are meet, the pork can be marketed as Wild Farmed. All Poaka pork is 100% wild farmed

Are Poaka Pigs Free Range or Free Farmed

Poaka wild farmed pigs are 100% free range, in fact they are so free range we created a new catch phrase, "Wild Farmed", to better capture the essence of how they are farmed! Free Farmed pigs are raised and contained in large sheds or barns, definitely not free range! The only sheds on the Poaka farm are for our tractors!

Why does Poaka Wild Farm Pigs?

We believe a Wild Farming system is the most ethical way to raise pigs and results in the highest quality product. Pigs love to roam, explore, forage and socialize. If given the natural space and environment, they can exhibit all of these natural behaviours. This results in a happy, relaxed pig, which leads to the highest quality and natural flavoured product.